who we work with

Women Lawyers’ Association of NSW

NSW Women Lawyers’ Achievement Awards 11 September 2015


Kathryn McKenzie with the thank you gift presented to her at the NSW Women Lawyers’ Achievement Awards 11 September 2015 at Dockside Cockle Bay, for her organisation and event management of their biennial Awards since 2007.


The Honourable Acting Justice Jane Mathews AO (Patron of the Women Lawyers’ Association of NSW);  The Honourable Quentin Bryce AD CVO (Guest Speaker at the Awards) and The Honourable Justice Ruth McColl AO (recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award)

The event booked out with 315 attendees. Further details may be viewed here https://womenlawyersnsw.org.au/awards/2015-awards/ .

Women Lawyers’ Association of NSW committee Christmas lunch 2012

picture1cWomen Lawyers’ Association of NSW committee Christmas lunch 2012 with some of their Executive Committee and Sub-Committee members at the Law Society of NSW restaurant.


Women In Banking & Finance (NSW)

screen-shot-2016-11-07-at-10-35-20-amBreakfast seminar at the American Club 2009.

Women in Banking & Finance lunch 29 March 2011 at the Westin Sydney

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Corporate Lunch with guest speaker
Gail Kelly 28 July 2011 for 550 attendees
at the Shangri-La Hotel, Sydney

Kathryn’s final event for Women in Banking & Finance (NSW) before stepping down as their EO.

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